Bangkok Urban-Gothic

Friday, October 14, 2011 7:20 PM By Stephen J Christophers

I tend to took at it this way: photography is about capturing a moment. I thrive on the idea of spontaneity. Yes, you could drag along a whole production crew with a middle age house wife to manage the sand-pit, and thousands of dollars worth of equipment to compliment people's egos. However, regardless of budget, in some instances it's the emotional context that takes priority.

Two of the most important things to remember when working with people, is that, everyone has their own personality. And as a photographer it's your job to try and capture individually with honesty and truth. Beauty comes in many forms. Gain peoples trust. Do your best by doing nothing in particular. Give your subject the room to personally express themselves in the way that defines them; their individuality. You have to be open, while making provisions for your surroundings and environment. Your job is then only to capturing the moment. I take my job seriously. I'm professional at it. But, really this only means I'm comfortable to let moments present themselves, and thus, strive for the best quality I can, using the tools and conditions available.

In this set I choose to shoot in Black & White as the contrast between model and graffiti work well. This was a natural decision, taken by evaluating the model and surrounding environment. It's not a technical skill, and you can't download an iPhone application to make the critical decision - it's called being a little creative.

Created with flickr slideshow.
