Urban Cosplay Model Shoot - Thailand
You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get a good model, even here in Pattaya, Thailand. My girl was having none of it, and I'm not one to push her. Nevertheless, I take it as a professional job, and thus, strive for the best quality I can with the tools provided. Well, in the end, and after asking around, I found a suitable model - Day-Day - along with a great Cosplay outfit. One that seemed an understatement in comparison to our urban graffiti ridden location. So, with minimal equipment - flying by the seat of a strawberry G-string, with high-contrast light conditions, time restrictions and lack of all the photographers basics - we were off. The end product - as you see it - has little digital altering, other than the first two images that have been processed using High Dynamic Range (HDR). I've used watermarking and a simple border effect courtesy of FastStone batch converter. A free program, one that offers batch border and watermark processing for multiple image files.
I think our shoot has elements of quality about it; some nice shots anyway, and some not so. In the end however, it's up to you be the judge, jury and... The photo-stream is provided by Flickr ... enjoy.