All-American Cosplay
All-American Cosplay was shot using a Canon EOS 500D 18-55mm Lens: The above image was rendered using Photomatix HDR 3x JPEG E/V -1, 0, +1 & Tone Mapped three times... Multiple layering using a standard image editor (Dark Colour Selective).
This particular photoshoot was well organized, using a small crew of two and model; my make-up artist also doubling as the reflector girl. Saying that, this model shoot was shot with not only a professional model, but a good friend, in a location that I have previously used with other models - The Bat Cave.
The obvious difference, is in the quality of the photographs. I usually shoot on the run, with a Nikon Coolpix. In this case, the Canon and lens combination was a great help. With a fantastic wardrobe to set-off the ambiance of this particular location; an 'All-American' Cosplay concept set in a provincial area, a stone's throw, from the hustle and bustle of busy Bangkok. Again, thanks goes out to my beautiful model, and assistant. And the day of wardrobe and logistics prep required before-hand to make this idea come to life. On this particular day, the weather was kind enough, and we were able to shoot in two totally different locations, sets and wardrobe... enjoy.