Socialism Vs. Capitalism: a note on Marx

Monday, May 12, 2008 9:30 AM By Stephen J Christophers

To get to the heart of Socialism (Middle Class Utopian) and Communism (Working Class Utopian) in China, we must study Karl Marx as Socialism here is constructed from the foundations of his writings; “The Communist Manifesto”, and to further trace Chinese cultural DNA, prior to that of Marxism we must study the “Art of War”. But now Marx: Marx is fascinating in many ways. Firstly, the fundamentals of Marxism are this: The fight for the freedom of the majority from their emancipation by the ruling class. It tends to be a philosophy which, although idealistic, echoes those of most great leaders in that; to free the masses from the few will bring salvation on a grand scale. Let’s call this the Utopian principal; however, according to the laws of physics and thermodynamics when energy is collected on mass it is also going to suffer entropy. The New Paradigm, of individual responsibility; responsibility for our actions based on the greater universal connective, instead of that idealized utopia set-out by individuals is this: Universal law is in terms that which governs us not through the emancipation of any demographic by another; emancipation is then universal. The issues at the heart of any great religion or social movement are the power to individualize it to the negative or positive and thus giving into individuals’ chemical needs, instead of the mass needs of a whole society – a power which will corrupt under any form of idealism.

Marx has set a foundation by which to inspire the masses, and is thus, in his own right one of the most respected founders of the Utopian Communist/Socialist landscape. Nevertheless, the current epoch of emancipation of the demographic of mediocrity is a polarization if not a reflection of those of the past, a paradox for Marxist Socialism – a reflection of universal law.

The culture clash in respects to western capitalist values and the emerging power of socialism is building entropy: heat energy (financial heat) is flowing from capitalist societies and the socialist break-down of intellectualism towards mediocrity is rapidly playing out for capitalism. For the socialist this is somewhat of a victorious stand, of which Marx would see fruit in his strive to emancipate the poor from the grip of the tyranny of the few.
