Reflections: Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA)

Friday, February 12, 2016 5:02 PM By Stephen J Christophers

After several experiences with the alkaloid Ergine or Lysergic Acid Amide (LSA), I would like to share some of my thoughts and ideas regarding this substance. Ergine is found as a natural occurring compound in several different plant species. Morning Glory (Ipomoea violacea), Rivea corymbosa and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa) are the most common plants that contain Ergine, and as a result, they are the most widely sort-after cultivars from which the chemical constituent Lysergic Acid Amide is gathered for its exploratory and shamanic properties.

Morning Glory for example has a long history of shamanic use; The morning glory plant has a rich historical tradition in psychedelic and visionary practices across multiple cultures, including those of the Chontal Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico, the highly evolved Aztecs, and the Zapotec. These seeds, without question, have been utilized throughout time as a means of communicating with the gods. Interestingly, in some areas of Mexico where the seeds are still used, I. violacea seeds are used by men, and Turbina corymbosa seeds, which contain similar alkaloids, are used by women. -- Schuldes 1993 cited in Ratsch 1998

To outline some of my personal experiences with Morning Glory: Although the seeds of the Morning Glory plant have a psychoactive constituent, one must also be aware of the dangers of consuming both seeds and Ergine as a pure extract. It's widely held that, Lysergic Acid Amides along with other compounds found in the plant cause vasoconstriction and other unwanted side effects. So please do your research.

LSA Trip Report:

Method: 250 - 350 micrograms; pure Lysergic Acid Amide in a capsule.
Duration: 6 - 8 hours.
Report: I have previously tried unextracted Ergine in the form of Morning Glory seeds. However. eating a dose amount of seeds seemed to caused a wave of unwanted side effects. Such as, vasoconstrictions, muscle pains and a general feeling of unwellness that somewhat over powers any positive feelings that might otherwise be present.

In extract form, I found a more positive experience. The first sensations became noticeable in just under 40min.. There was a slight alteration in visual clarity, however, this was everso slight. The main characteristics of change were that of body feelings; a dissociation of consciousness; a body state that more resembles that of LSD; a rise in heart rate and blood pressure; a general feeling of dizziness and euphoria. I found a great tendency for analytical thought patterns; problem solving seemed to be the name of the game here. A feeling of ego loss; or more-so, the total absence of depressive thought patterns, those that tend to leave one in a negative frame of mind. I remember thinking what a great anti-depressant this would make, in small doses. Although, there were negative side effects present: mild vasoconstriction and tremmors were noted. These were however, in no way as pronounced as previously experience on unextracted plant material. The experience had a peak at about four hours and was near baseline in eight. Furthermore, the residual effects of the experience could be felt the next day, along with it's unwanted baggage, which lowered mood from normal to rather disconnected and irritable, as found after a night of drinking alcohol.


When we think of entheogens or psycoactive compounds it is with a tendency we grasp at those which have the greatest hallucinogenic properties, like Psilocybin, DMT or LSD. However, Ergine tends to fall short in terms of a hallucinogen. The effects of LSA are much like that of LSD, without its visual psychoactive properties. The compound can also cause some discomfort. Nevertheless, LSA is indeed an entheogen. It gives the user a sense of oneness, a heightened sense of awareness, euphoria and I believe, a good tool for boosting ones analytical problem solving skills. An Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin +2.5
